Wu, Jennifer D. Forthcoming. "National Origin Identity and Descriptive Representativeness: Understanding Preferences for Asian Candidates and Representation" in Public Opinion Quarterly (Local, Journal)
Wu, Jennifer D. (2022). "Understanding Pan-Asian Identity: How and When Threat Affects Asian and National Origin Identity Attachment" in Politics, Groups, and Identities (Local, Journal)
Wu, Jennifer D. and Gregory A. Huber. (2021). "How Does Job Loss Affect Voting? Understanding Economic Voting Using Novel Data on COVID-19 Induced Individual-level Unemployment Shocks." in American Politics Research (Local, Journal)
Wu, Jennifer D. and Gregory A. Huber. (2021). Partisanship Differences in Social Distancing May Originate in Norms and Beliefs: Results from Novel Data. in Social Sciences Quarterly (Local, Journal)
Wu, Jennifer D. (2020) "Work Requirements and Perceptions of Medicaid Deservingness." in American Politics Research (Local, Journal)
Wu, Jennifer D. and Gregory A. Huber. "Racialized Candidate Inferences in American Politics: Perceived Ingroup Favoritism is More Difficult for Black Candidates to Overcome than Ideological Stereotypes" (Under Review)
Wu, Jennifer D. "Political Geography of Identity: Measuring Local Determinants of Pan-Ethnicity among Asian Americans"
Prowse, Gwen and Jennifer D. Wu "The Effect of Context on Priming Race in Audit Experiments"
Cooper, Zack, Amanda Kowalski, Eleanor N. Powell, and Jennifer D. Wu. "Politics, Hospital Behavior, and Health Care Spending." NBER Working Paper w23748. (Under Review)
Press Coverage: The Economist , Politico , The New York Times
The Importance of Identity Importance: Measuring the Relationship between Identity and Political Behavior
Understanding Attitudes towards Affirmative Action among Asians in the U.S.
Understanding the Effects of Campaign Appeals among Asian Americans
Candidate Valence and Social Proximity